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A New Season...

It’s really no secret many of you have noticed we have both been increasingly harder to get in touch with, or might have had long gaps between hearing back from us!


We never expected Aserai to become as beloved as it has, by realizing many of you value beauty and quality as a place to call home. Aserai has attracted a lot of love and affection by being featured in SL Destination Guide, to having Strawberry Singh, Senior Social Media Manager for Linden Lab, visit  and show love for us by featuring us in her photography.  Outgrowing the first sim and creating more homes for those of you who also value the little details and realism was an incredible ride together! These and many more moments made these past months worth it all.


Anyone would agree Aserai was created to offer highest quality, and so many of you have been really kind and sincere in your endless support and contributions to help bring Aserai to the level of quality it is!


For this reason, we have decided to take a moment of pause from Aserai while our RL together has taken off in a new direction that we need more time to focus and enjoy this.  Less time for SL means we had to make a decision to refund all current residents and safely pack Aserai away until we can devote the required hours of dedication and time.


We’ve been doing the best we can while being sure to keep RL focus priority of course, but recently since the start of the New Year 2024, we’ve had some positive major changes in our lives and we’re not sure how much daily dedicated time we can give to SL projects right now.


Many of you are aware we are a creative couple beyond Aserai, and we were so touched to find many of you showed your support towards Snowpass Luxe Mountain Retreat  during its second return this past winter season.  SL is a place that inspires us, and we always put our heart and high quality standard into everything we do and will do in the future.  So again, for this reason, we simply cannot in good faith continue at this time to dedicate to maintain the beauty and quality Aserai offers.


If you are a current resident, you will receive transaction details and the total amount refund.  Thank you for the time you were a loyal resident and we hope you enjoyed your home here in Aserai. In the future we hope to see many of you again, as we surely will remember each and every one of you who made yourself a part of Aserai.  Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

The sim access will be closed while we work to remodel things.


As you have seen, we have shelved projects only to reemerge again when RL allows, as we are passionate people who enjoy creating new experiences and sharing our creative visions with all of you!  To those of you who support us and created new memories with us we have genuinely enjoyed the journey.  The time has come for us as we move into the Spring season to enjoy the exciting new adventures RL is calling us to. You can stay connected to us and get updates on our new surprises and future endeavors.


This letter will be posted on the homepage of our website, and distributed to everyone, please help and spread the word too! Thanks so much and we have appreciated your kind words and love you’ve shown.



We enjoyed every minute and thank all of you !

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